February 14, 2025

Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah says Islamic justice does not provide privileges or exceptions to those that commit wrongdoing, whether to oneself, friends, family members, or parents.

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The King added that the power to punish and pardon should not be used arbitrarily.  “Kuasa menghukum dan memberi pengampunan tidak wajar digunakan sewenang-wenangnya kerana ianya bakal dipertanggungjawabkan kelak di hari kemudian,” says Al-Sultan Abdullah.

 His Majesty says that if laws are not enforced consistently and fairly, justice will not be achieved as the principle behind the enactment of the law has been tainted.

“Akibatnya, pihak yang lemah akan menjadi mangsa kepada pihak yang memiliki kuasa,” says Al-Sultan Abdullah.

“Prinsip keadilan yang telus lagi terbuka turut berjaya membangunkan satu masyarakat yang adil, saksama, makmur dan sejahtera. Prinsip keadilan menurut Islam adalah menjunjung amanah Tuhan,” says the King, urging Syariah courts to be wise and fair based on the same principle.

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