February 14, 2025

Woman who didn’t know she was pregnant gives birth on toilet. (Read More Here).

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“I looked down in the toilet, and he is in there with water up to his ears and right under his chin, just looking back up at me, like, ‘Are you going to get me out of here mom?’” Marla McEntire, 34, recalled.

McEntire, who’s 5 feet tall and 160 pounds normally, never had a noticeable baby bump in the nine months leading up to her child’s February birth, she said.

“I just looked like maybe I ate a big burrito,” she said. “If you saw my size and the way that I didn’t show, it’s astonishing how he could be in there and me not know it.”

I just went on about my life,” said McEntire, whose periods resumed regularly after that. 

“I never felt any kicks — I never felt anything,” said McEntire, who has been detailing her “miracle journey” on TikTok.

Marla took to TikTok to share her story, telling followers: ‘I’m 34 years old, I’ve never had a pregnancy scare before. 

‘I got pregnant last May and I never showed, my stomach was squishy, my belly button didn’t pop out, no morning sickness, I never felt a kick – nothing.

‘Around January, I started having some hip pain and some stomach issues so I went to a chiropractor and went to a doctor and no one caught the fact that there was a baby in there.’

Speaking about when Atlas was born, she said: ‘That night I thought I was constipated. 

‘I sent my dad to the store to get me laxatives and I went back and forth to the bathroom about five times.

‘And then on the fifth time is when Atlas came.’

Marla, who has been on birth control since she was 18, continues: ‘So I had just had Atlas in the toilet, I looked down and see that he’s alive and I yell for my dad.

‘My dad comes in there and helps me get the baby out of the toilet because obviously he is still attached at this point and it’s a little hard for me to get him out.’

McEntire’s pregnancy even went undetected by a doctor she visited while struggling with stomach pain in January — just one month before she gave birth.

The doctor chalked McEntire’s discomfort up to having her gallbladder removed at 23, which often makes her constipated. 

So on Feb. 27, McEntire assumed her abdominal pain was from being backed up. 

“I had had constipation pains before, but never as bad as it was then,” she said. She later told the New York Post: ‘I looked down in the toilet, and he is in there with water up to his ears and right under his chin, just looking back up at me, like, “Are you going to get me out of here mom?”‘

Her father, Kevin, immediately called 911 for advice who began talking him through the next steps. 

She explains: ‘The EMTs are like “okay you need to tie the umbilical cord off” but he really doesn’t feel comfortable doing that, so he takes a chip clip – like the clips you keep your potato chip bags closed with – and clips my umbilical cord with that until the EMTs get there.

‘We live in the middle of nowhere so it takes about 20 minutes for this to happen – and at this point I’m just spread eagle on the floor with my dad right there – and I’m like “what is happening right now.”

‘There was so much to process at one time.’

Marla said the bathroom ‘looked like a murder scene’ and that the father-daughter duo were trying to stay as calm as possible.

They were eventually taken to hospital for check ups – and both mother and baby are doing well.

Marla has since told the publication: ‘There are still some issues with the paternity of the father that I’m dealing with.’

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