Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Belinda Migor is the woman behind racist statement on WhatsApp group chat with her fellow racists over pitbull ban in viral audio recording.
This is Belinda Migor, the owner of JCS Office Support, a bookkeeping company in Benoni. Belinda is a woman heard in a WhatsApp Group saying “Kill all the black men, Shoot them, & cut out all black women’s uteruses & their ovaries so that they can’t procreate.”
In defence of Pitbulls that are killing people daily, Belinda Migor said “Kill all the black men, Get all the black women & cut out their uteruses & ovaries so that they can’t procreate, because they will all turn out the same because they are all the same.”
Owner of the Pitbull that killed a 1yr old in East London, says she will cooperate with police, but she takes no responsibility for what happened.
She’s saying her dog saw another dog nearby and tried to jump the yard, reaching the child.
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