October 4, 2024

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Daily Show host, Trevor Noah, has hailed freedom of speech in the US as he becomes first African to host the White House Correspondent Dinner. (Read More Here).

Trevor Noah hailed the freedom of speech in America on the aspect of the journalists, who can say anything or report anything about the politicians and won’t get killed or imprisoned imprisoned. 

He said freedom of speech in the United States of America is a gift, but most Americans don’t know this. He also cracked a joke about the sitting president of the US, Joe Biden. 

He added as he talks about how journalists in most countries are killed by politicians for revealing deep secrets about them. 

Noah said:

“If you ever begin to doubt how meaningful it is, look no for than what is happening in Ukraine. Look at what’s happening. There journalists are risking and even losing their lives to show the world what is really happening. You realize how amazing it is. In America, you have the right to seek the truth and speak the truth, even if it makes people in power uncomfortable. Even if it makes your viewers or your readers uncomfortable. To understand how amazing that is? I stood here tonight and made fun of the President Of The United States. I’m going to be fine. I’m going to be fine, right? 

“Like, do you really understand what a blessing it is? Maybe it’s happened for so long that it has slipped your mind. It is a blessing. Here, ask yourself this question. Honestly, ask yourself this question. If Russian journalists, who are losing their livelihoods, as you were talking about, Steve, and their freedom for daring to report and with their own government is doing — if they had the freedom to write any words, to show any stories, to ask any questions — if they had, basically, what you have, would they be using in the same way that you do? 

“Ask yourself that question every day. You have one of the most important roles in the world. Thank you so much for having me.” 

Information reads:

“Trevor Noah is the first African to host the White House Correspondent Dinner. 

“This is huge. Bigger than the Grammys … or The Oscars, in my opinion.

Trevor will (if Joe Biden attends) get to take jabs at the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, in his face!”

Video below:

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