February 14, 2025

It’s has been revealed that Trump tried to have ‘sex’ with female staffers when he was in the white house.

Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said she stopped Trump from having sex with female staffers when he was in the white house. 

Stephanie Grisham: “There was one specific staffer that worked for me, and Trump would request for her to be on constant trips when it wasn’t her turn — I would rotate the staffers to go on foreign trips.”

Stephanie Grisham: “He one time had one of my other deputies bring her back ‘so that they could look at her ass’ is what he said to him … I tried everything I could to ensure she was never alone with Trump.”

Stephanie Grisham: “When you’re dealing with the President of the United States, again, there’s no H.R. group or H.R. representative to go to, to talk to about these kinds of things.”


“The photograph of Kurt Cobain in tears has been extensively published. Tilton watched Cobain smash his guitar through an amplifier and walk offstage. He followed him backstage. The pent-up emotion ‘just had to go somewhere,’ says Tilton, and Cobain burst into tears. ‘What I really love about it is that it is a very real moment, and he allowed it. Other artists would have said, ‘Not now, lan, please!’ It is very unusual,” adds Tilton, “for anyone from a band to show such vulnerability!”

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