February 13, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Reactions as Portuguese biker, Fernanda, revealed injuries on he face caused by 7 men who gang-raped her in Dumka, Jharkhand, in viral footage.

Taking to social media, a Brazilian tabloid wrote:

“Fernanda é estuprada por 7 homens na Índia enquanto seguram Vicente com uma faca no pescoço e golpes na cabeça e boca.

O casal formado por Fernanda, uma brasileira, e Vicente, um espanhol, que estão dando a volta ao mundo de moto e divulgando seu dia a dia no @vueltaalmundoenmoto sofreram quase o pior que se pode imaginar em uma viagem de moto.

Tiveram a tenda de acampamento invadida por homens com o único objetivo de estuprar Fernanda, porque bateram em Vicente e o ameaçaram com uma faca no pescoço e nada roubaram.

É muito triste o que aconteceu. Esperamos que a polícia indiana consiga pegar esses criminosos para serem punidos pela justiça. Crimes sexuais são frequentes na Índia e pouca punição existe. Quem sabe as embaixadas da Espanha e do Brasil façam pressão no governo indiano a respiro desse crime contra turistas.

“Aqui no MGO e provavelmente toda a comunidade que viaja de moto do Brasil desejamos que o casal se recupere e possam em breve retomar sua viagem pelo mundo com a alegria que sempre tiveram e que venham nos visitar aqui na América do Sul”

English: “Fernanda is raped by 7 men in India while they hold Vicente with a knife to the neck and blows to the head and mouth. 

“The couple formed by Fernanda, a Brazilian, and Vicente, a Spaniard, who are traveling around the world on a motorcycle and sharing their daily lives on @vueltaalmundoenmoto suffered almost the worst thing that can be imagined on a motorcycle trip. 

“They had their camping tent invaded by men with the sole aim of raping Fernanda, because they beat Vicente and threatened him with a knife to the neck and stole nothing. It’s very sad what happened. We hope that the Indian police will be able to catch these criminals to be punished by justice. Sexual crimes are frequent in India and little punishment exists. Who knows, perhaps the embassies of Spain and Brazil will put pressure on the Indian government to resolve this crime against tourists. Here at MGO and probably the entire community that travels by motorcycle in Brazil, we hope that the couple recovers and can soon resume their trip around the world with the joy they always had and that they come visit us here in South America!”

Dumka SP Pitamber Singh Kherwar reached the spot on Friday night itself and set up an investigation. Police have detained 3 suspects based on leads and are searching for the remaining accused who are currently on the run.

Police have already started an investigation and forensic teams have collected samples from the crime scene. Police are also scanning CCTV footage from nearby areas to identify the accused.

“They beat us. They put a knife to my neck and told me they were going to kill me.”

“Something has happened to us that we would not wish on anyone. Seven men have raped me. They have beaten us and robbed us, although not many things, because what they wanted was to rape me. We are at the hospital with the police. It happened tonight here in India.”

Police said they have identified everyone involved and arrested four men who have confessed to rape.

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