February 14, 2025

Nigerian Cross-dresser, James Brown and English (as a language) are battling for supremacy in his recent hilarious video. James’ video has brought so much laughter to the faces of many Nigerians who are fighting to end SARS killings.

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In the video, James Brown is heard as he struggles to get the right words and articles out of his mouth. Asides that, James says he’s a number fan of ending SARS because he has been harassed by them in the past. 

He continued his statement as he revealed he was once slapped and harassed by SARS operatives because of how he dressed to an event. James says he was being called gay after the SARS operatives couldn’t find anything to implicate him.

One aspect that made people laugh in his video was where he was confused on the right article to use, either a or an. Here’s the part: “You’re an an law enforcement.” He edited the video and he finally used the right article. He said: “You’re a law enforcement…”

In the video, James said: “Hey dorling, it’s your boy, James Brown.

I’m not happy at all!!

I mean seriously, What’s going on?

We are trying to protest against SARS, end SARS. 

People protesting in peace. 

What can of thing is this?

What can of life is this?

I’m actually tired. 

I’m number one fans of end this SARS because when Buhari, weldone sir, signed this thing. I talked about this thing. 

Shebi, I talk. I talk about this before everybody start. 

I was the first person to start talking about this thing because I had my personal experience, I do. 

There was a time I was coming back from an event and I was dressing James Brown dressing. Not really hair, just little light makeup and my manly thing but I was with nails and long earrings. And they were searching. 

After the whole search and everything, they didn’t see to implicate me. 

The next thing was asking me, telling me why you dress like woman. Excuse me. 

Who are you?

Why do dress like a woman. 

Why do you dress like a gay. Then I explained… “


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