February 13, 2025

Bolsonarista que humilhou a senhora faminta: “Estou muito arrependido ter feito esse vídeo”.

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The man who told a woman that she would no longer receive lunch box donations for being a voter for former president and candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) recorded a new video apologizing and saying he was “very sorry”. The video with the refusal to deliver new lunchboxes went viral ( see below ), generating criticism on social networks and advertisements in support of women. “I am here to apologize for the misfortune of having made this video. I am very sorry,” said the man, identified as Cássio Cenali and a supporter of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). He denied having political support and said he only wanted “charity”.

The case took place in Itapeva, in the interior of São Paulo. The apology video was released by the Facebook page of Jornal Ita News. The video that went viral shows the man delivering a package that would be a lunch box to the woman, who appears to be in poverty.

I’ve made 60 lunchboxes every Wednesday for more than two years and I deliver them to homeless people, including this lady. That’s not [political factor] that’s going to make me stop work. mine. I have no political support. I just want charity”, he justified in the video with the apology.

Reactions below:

Miguel: Apoiador de Bolsonaro e empresário da agropecuária, Cassio Joel Cenali tenta justificar o vídeo em que, de forma cruel, ameaça cortar doação de comida à Ilza Ramos Rodrigues, eleitora de Lula e moradora de Itapeva (SP):

— Era para um grupo privado. Algum petista infiltrado vazou.


Vamos deixá-lo famoso, este é o verme Bolsonarista que humilhou a senhora por ter dito q ela É Lula. Ele não é o petista q estão espalhando Fake News. Nome dele é CASSIO CENALI de Itapeva São Paulo.

Pascalo: Esse é Cássio Joel Cenali, o agricultor Bolsonarista que humilhou a senhora por ela votar em Lula. Cássio responde vários processos, entre eles, por ter recebido o auxílio e por não pagar impostos.Nas redes, se apresenta com o o slogan: Deus acima de tudo, Brasil acima de todos.


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