The perpetrators who shot and killed rapper AKA and his companion Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane have reportedly been identified by police in Kwazulu-Natal..
Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, the commissioner of KZN police, claims that they are compiling strong evidence before making any arrests in this case.
Siyabonga Mhlongo the Inkabi killer confessed he was the one who shot dead and killed Businessman, Ben Jabu Gumbi, from Rustenburg has been found.
Siyabonga Mhlongo, hailing from KwaZulu-Natal Chesterville, has become a person of interest in the case due to his reported involvement in the attack. While the exact motives behind the assassination remain unclear, investigators are exploring various angles, including business rivalries, personal disputes, and potential financial incentives. The arrest of Mhlongo is expected to shed light on the complex web of events that led to the tragedy.
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