October 5, 2024

On the painful passing of Miss Nwusulor Dorathy- her travails for those asking who she’s. 

Miss Nwusulor Dorathy Akuchi, was the first Female President of the Law Students’ Association of Nigerian (LAWSAN), Ebonyi State University Chapter, a very coveted Office which she was appointed into to defy the conventional Elections of the Faculty which had gone wild during her time, after she secured the wholesome trust and confidence of both the Faculty Management and the Students, given her excellent Academic performance, having represented her Class as a Senator at the LAWSA House of Assembly, and having also served her Class, the Law Class of 2021 as a Course Representative.

Dora met her crossroads when she kicked off preparations for the annual and compulsory LAWSA Dinner for 2021, and began raising funds from external sources to augment the meagre resources she inherited with office. Being a vibrant young lady, beautiful and brave, Dora found favour with which she staged a record-breaking Dinner for the Faculty at that time. 

It was at this point that her fighters came. They demanded a cut from the Money she realised from her donors independent of their efforts, and when she insisted on applying the whole Money to the Dinner for which it was raised, they moved to pull her down. They incited Students against the Dinner, discouraged and threatened attendance of same, but because Dora was a Child of grace, that Dinner did not just succeed, it is still very famous as one of the best events in that Faculty, especially as it secured the presence of notable bigwigs both in the State and in the Legal Profession. 

Dora thought she had succeeded, the stress she pulled through planning that eventful Dinner was almost washed away by the cheers and commendations which followed her success. Everything fell in place for her until spells of an indicting petition brewed the Faculty. Her Fighters who were just very few persons from her own class and other heros, had gone ahead to recruit more men into their conspiracy. Their communication rose so vast that they grew into multifarious groups: Forum of LAWSA Course Representatives, Forum of LAWSA SUG Stakeholders, and CONCERNED LAWSA STUDENTS FORUM. The members of this group were one, and had just a purpose: to bring Dora to her Feet, and to keep Dora back in the Faculty, for what reason? for refusing to give them a good cut of the LAWSA Cake, and for looking down on the canvassed pride of place they held in the Faculty of Law. 

To pursue this selfishness, her fighters rose a petition inquiring into Dora’s expenditures of the money she raised for the Dinner in her place as a LAWSA President, and summed it up with an allegation that Dora embezzled a humongous amount of money running into many millions in their words, and being the money raised for the Faculty Dinner. They prayed the Faculty to harass her graduation and copied same to the School Management, in response to which a Panel of investigation was set up to hear the petition. 

I believe grace saw her through again, and she got the leniency to proceed to the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus in furtherance of her Studies. Her fighters roared and neighed, and swore to march her feet to the Nigerian Law School. Their ploys and antics were almost failing until the day of Dora’s Bar Finals. She narrated that she was already seated for the epic Examination, having merged her posture to her Examination Number, expecting her Examination Papers, when she was called out of the Hall by the Examiners to be told of a confronting petition against her, disqualifying her for the life time Exams for which she had spent time and energy preparing. Eventually, Dora lost the chance to sit for her Exams that year with her mates, she was not called to the Nigerian Bar, and was not also sure of resitting the Exams since her petitioners sought her expulsion from the Nigerian Law School. 

Dora died yesterday en route to the Lagos Campus of the Nigerian Law School to resit her Bar Final Exams after years of investigation and query. God had shown her mercy, but her fighters, her petitioners prevailed. 

Depression killed Dora, pains killed her. We have lost a lady of substance, we have lost a beautiful and brave fellow, we have lost a star in Dora. May God avenge her death.

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