February 13, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Sophie Corcoran and Mahyar Tousi dragged by Indonesians for mocking World leaders and presidents who wore Batik outfits to G20 in Bali. (Read More Here).

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Unggahan Walden ditanggapi warganet lainnya. Akun Lynda Ibrahim menyebut Tousi memilih lawan yang salah yakni warganet Indonesia.

Pasalnya, Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang warganya aktif di media sosial.

“Tuan @MahyarTousi membuat kesalahan yang lazim dibuat orang asing sebelumnya, mengabaikan statistik dasar soal Indonesia. Populasi 280 juta, penetrasi internet 77 persen, 18,5 juta pengguna Twitter, 100 juta pengguna Instagram. Dia mengajak berkelahi di dua platform ini dengan orang-orang itu,” tulisnya.

Mr @MahyarTousi made the mistake many foreigners have done before, neglecting basic Indonesia’s statistics:

280 million population

77% internet penetration

18,5 million Twitter users

100 million IG users

He just picked up a fight on both platforms with these numbers. “Kenapa mereka berpakaian mirip dan seperti itu,” tulisnya sembari menyertakan foto yang sama dengan yang diunggah Tousi.

Meski menegaskan ia hanya bertanya, Sophie harus menerima nasib dirujak warganet Indonesia. Salah satu akun bahkan mengejek namanya.

“Itu karena mereka punya kreatifitas dan tidak menggunakan pakaian membosankan seperti kemeja putih, jas dan dasi hitam yang sangat membuat frustasi seperti nama Anda. Corcoran dalam Bahasa Indonesia = menuang semen,” tulis akun @tanyadoank13.

it’s because they have creativity and not using the boring white shirt black suit black tie which is so depressing like your name….

Actually Tousi’s tweet could be interpreted as an insult to the people in the picture rather than their fashion sense.

Netizens accused Trudeau, Sunak and Schwab of wearing shirts made of endek cloth, which are usually worn exclusively by members of the nobility for ceremonial occasions.

Another interpretation : Infantino and Zulkifli are wearing batik clothes which are also traditional Indonesian clothes. However, Indonesian netizens have attacked Tousi’s social media feeds after his tweets were interpreted as insulting batik. Not only that, his Instagram profile is flooded with angry Indonesians.

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