Dyantyi says he has not received an apology from Mkhwebane and according to him she is absent today. Mpofu says Dyantyi will get a doctor’s letter. He says he also got a call from a family member that they had taken her to the doctor. (Read More Here).
“I was just explaining now that I have been up since 4am drafting papers to be ready at 9am. I don’t know whether you didn’t hear me,”Mpofu said to Dyantyi.
This is him explaining the level of preparation he has to do for Mkhwebane’s court case.
Evidence leader Nazreen Bawa asks if Mpofu is asking for an indefinite postponement of the committee following the events of the past few days. He says because of these events that might be a reality.
“You know Mr Dyantyi, you’re going to regret this. You’re going to regret this. Your day will come,” Advocate Mpofu to the chair.
Mpofu says he doesn’t understand why proceedings will continue without Mkhwebane. He says Mkhwebane will be absent because she’s sick and also her legal team will not be present, he says it will be a “joke”.
UDM leader, Bantu Holomisa, says if Mpofu is unhappy with the ruling “don’t even waste our time” and go to challenge Dyantyi’s ruling in court. He says it’s “unheard of” that the committee will continue without Mkhwebane and her legal representative.
Dyantyi declined Holomisa’s suggestion that committee members meet to discuss this. He says he is the chair and has ruled. ATM’s Vuyo Zungula has also asked that the committee meets. He says it’s not Dyantyi’s committee but a parliamentary committee.
“You have no right to abuse me the way you do. I’m senior to you in many ways, not just in age. You will pay one day,” says Mpofu to Dyantyi.
“Are you threatening me,” asks Dyantyi.
“No it’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” responds Mpofu.