February 14, 2025

The Kazungula Bridge connecting Zambia and Botswana across the Zambezi River has been finally opened.

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The bridge is 923 meters (3,028 feet) long and 18.5 meters wide. It was jointly constructed by the two countries at a cost of $259.3 million. Construction work started in 2014.

History: Morocco is the only African country which invaded and occupied European countries for centuries (Spain and Portugal ).

Morocco is the only African country which launched a naval raid on the coasts of Northern Europe (pirates of Salé and raiding of Iceland).

Morocco is the only African country that commemorates annually the anniversary of a victorious battle against an European power, that took place before the colonial era and had nothing with decolonisation (The Battle of Alcácer Quibir against Portugal on August 4, 1578).

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