February 14, 2025

Barbearia naturista viraliza em Fortaleza e recebe pessoas até de outros países. Clientes têm a opção de ficar sem roupa, já os funcionários, sempre atendem nus.

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Have you ever thought about going out to get a haircut, take off your clothes and be served by naked professionals? This is what has been happening for two years at Barbearia Naturista, in Fortaleza, capital of Ceará. Fascinated with the idea of ​​helping men to love themselves “from the inside out”, beautician Rodney Araujo decided to put the dynamic into practice and is already reaping the positive results.

Those who enter his space, close to the Benfica neighborhood, have the option of taking off their clothes or not. Although some men show resistance at first, 90% decide to live the full experience and prove the quality of care, which ends up overcoming any prejudice. Nowadays, the barber shop caters exclusively to men aged 18 and over.

With more than 13,000 followers on social media, the space has even become a target for foreigners. Go people from Argentina, Spain, Portugal, and so on. Close to the Benfica neighborhood, Rodney and his collaborators do shaving, waxing, massage therapy, tanning and, of course, cutting hair.

To BHAZ , the 29-year-old businessman explains that he had a tanning space for the female audience a few years ago. He began to appeal to the male audience and then researched naturism, a set of principles that preaches a lifestyle based on returning to nature.

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