Nollywood actor, Yomi Fabiyi’s WhatsApp number and phone number have been revealed by a popular celebrity blogger, Gistlovers. His number got exposed after he went ahead to make a movie, using the predicament of the 14-year-old victim of Baba Ijesha. (Read More Here).
His WhatsApp number and phone number is revealed as: 08029062692. After his WhatsApp number went viral, angry Nigerians stormed his DM to rain curses and insulting words on him for producing “Oko Iyabo”, a demeaning film that promotes “child abuse” and “bullying.” (Read More Here).
After the movie saga, Yomi Fabiyi took to his Instagram page to engage his fans in giveaways of N10K each. After Nigerians reported his nasty movie, YouTube took it down from OlekuTv’s page.
Gistlovers wrote: “You can call to tell him a piece of your mind,Una fit pray for am too o 08029062692, I come in peace.”
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