Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Muhamad Nur Ezwan, Nurul Hayati, Nor Ain, are part of the 28 Malaysian tourists Kim Seri Eina, the scammer, scammed of RM400K by selling fake Korean travel packages.

Koreans are angry as Kim Seri Eina scammed Malaysian tourists of RM 375,310 by selling fake Korean travel packages
That’s not true, ⠀ Due to Kim Se-ri’s insincere management, the contract with the tour bus driver was canceled, and many people’s schedules were disrupted and their dream trip turned into a nightmare. READ MORE HERE
The victims worked hard for several years in Malaysia to pay for their travel expenses. ⠀ Can you imagine the pain they went through? We now need the help of Korean netizens. Please make sure to punish Se-ri Kim and help all victims get justice!
It has gone viral on social media sites, especially TikTok, about a Malaysian influencer who is currently living in Korea, Kim Seri, who is accused of defrauding customers who used his services to travel to Korea.
Many parties have made revelations on social media sites, saying they were scammed, with some even stranded at the airport because they received fake tickets from the influencer.
There are also victims who shared stories where they did not receive tickets or flight confirmations from Kim Seri ahead of their trip to Korea.
On the Threads website, there is an individual who uploaded a list of names of victims who are believed to have been defrauded with losses reaching RM400K.
그뿐만 아니라, ⠀ 김세리의 불성실한 관리로 인해 관광버스 운전사와의 계약이 취소되었고, 많은 관광객들은 일정에 차질을 빚으며 꿈에 그리던 여행을 악몽으로 바꾸었습니다
피해자들 경험: ⠀
1.서울이 아닌 외곽 인천, 월미도 지역의 호텔에 갇힘.
2.식사 제공이 없고, 항공권은 프리미엄에서 이코노미로 다운그레이드, 짐 수속 및 기내식 미제공.
3.일부 관광객들은 인천 공항에서 6시간 이상 갇히기도 했습니다. 돌아가는 항공권을 구매하지 않았기 때문입니다.