Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Journalist confirmed Prince Phoku Moshemane was shot by girlfriend’s father at Malemane Village in Diphale

07 May The Phoku family from Malemane Village in Diphale are saddened by the shooting of their son on Saturday 01 February Prince Phoku better known as Moshemane was shot dead after being found with his girlfriend. Rumor has it that he was shot by his girlfriend’s father after a long search for her.
Mr Phori from Senwamoriri in Diphale took Prince to Mecklenburg Hospital in Moroke after shooting him twice in the back. When they arrived at the hospital he left the young man in the custody of the doctor when they asked Prince who shot him he replied that it was Phori who brought him to the hospital.
Prince’s life remains in the hands of doctors at Mankweng Hospital, family, relatives and friends are praying day and night for justice.
Information reads: “07 Dibokwane 2025
“Baga lapa la ga Phoku go tšwa Motseng wa ga Malemane ka Diphale ba kwišitšwe bohloko ke go thuntšwa ga morwa wa bona ka mokibelo wa di 01 February 2025
Prince Phoku yeo a tsebalegago ka Moshemane o thuntšhitšwe morago ga go humanwa a nale lekgarebe la gagwe. Mabarebare are go kwala gore o thuntšhitše ke tatago lekgarebe la gagwe morago ga go nyaka lekgarebe leo nako e telele.
“Morena Phori gotšwa Senwamoriri ka Diphale oile a iša Prince boekelong bjwa Mecklenburg ka Moroke morago ga go mothuntšha ka kolo tše pedi mo mokokotlong. Ge ba fihla bookelong oile a šiya lesogana leo ka matsogong a ngaka ge ba butšiša Prince gore o thuntšitšwe ke mang a araba ka gore ke yena Phori yeo a motlišitšeng bookelong,baile ba founela ba kgoro ya sephodisa ka hlakodišo mme maphodisa aya go swara Phori yeo ayang go tšwelela kgorong tsheko ya Moroke ka Mošupologo wa 10/02/2025.
Bophelo bjwa Prince bo sale ka matsogong a ba kalafi ka bookelong bjwa Mankweng,balapa meloko le metswalle ba repela bošego le mosegare gore toka e phethege.
Lego ka Esrom Phoku bjwale ka wa lapa Nna ke Motia wa leyellowbone go taba tša Driekop FM.”
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