February 13, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Gistlover calls out SP Princess Nwode, for warming Arthur Eze and Willie Obiano beds in the past just to get ranks and connection in ANAMBRA even while still married to her first husband. 

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Gistlover wrote: “I need to clear the air before we start this part, to those mentioning Peter Obi name,you are wrong, this whole madness started with Obiano, quote me anywhere, you all know if he is involved I no send him papa, I no dey look uche face, I say things as it is, Obiano is the one who started this because of Princess Puna, now take a sit and let’s go on another journey.

Hello tueh tueh, meet SP Princess, the lady that controls ANAMBRA with her godforsaken Puna, she is a random SOURVENIR amongst politicians.

“She’s a Superintendent of Police and she married a junior inspector of police, Officer Harrison Akama against police work ethics.

She warmed Arthur Eze and Willie Obiano beds in the past just to get ranks and connection in ANAMBRA even while still married to her first husband before he pursue that one come move to Harrison Akama who is a junior officer and also married before princess carry her puna come snatch Harrison.

“She started an affair with on Inspector Harrison Akama serving in Awkuzu sars sometime in last year in order to solidify her relationship with SARS so as to continue all her illegalities. The said Inspector Harrison Akama is the hit man of CSP Patrick Agbazue who is responsible of most of the extra judicial killings in anambra state.

SP Princess Nwode secretly married Inspector Harrison Akama in December against police regulations. An SPO( Senior Police Officer) can NEVER marry a rank and file( ie from constable to Inspector rank) it amounts to instant dismissal, when she saw that she has gained entrance to Patrick through Harrison, she got Harrison Two brand new mikano trucks, White and black, Harrison has since moved into Princess house and they go about bragging that they are untouchable, that’s how they come together to form a squad, once they get a Victim, they work hand in hand to make sure they achieve their illegal aim, princess who is the woman among them is used as their traps most times, they invade rich people houses , kidnap them and start calling their family for ransom, one thing is sure, it’s only 1 percent fo their victims that come out alive by the grace of God, the remaining 99 percent are missing forever , even the 1 perc.”

Taking to social media, Gistlover, shared a clip of the siblings. According to Gistlover, the boy (out of siblings) has been killed, while the girl is still alive. 

According to Gistlover, Inspector Harrison Akama and CSP Patrick Agbazue, are kidnapping young people, stealing their money, killing them and dumping their bodies in unknown regions. 

Gistlover also said that CSP Patrick Agbazue was behind the kidnap and strangling of comedian Brain Jotter’s cousin, and scamming her of over N1.2M.

Gistlover wrote: “Hello tueh tueh, GLB NATION I am typing this with so much rage in me, After the lots of attrocities of James Nwafor committed in Anambra,the way he kills young boys and tag them yahoo boys then throw thier body for river, my Anambra people please wake up, be at alert, I want everyone to tag the official handle of police and let this matter get to their Abuja head office, these 3 people you are seeing their pictures here are James Nwafor successor, their own attrocities pass James Nwafor own, you are surprised ??? Okay let me take you through a short journey, These Dare devils are SARS in Anambra, once they get you it takes the grace of God for you to walk out alive of their den,they kill for fun, take the properties of their victims and deposit the dead bodies in a private morgue, alot of missing people in Anambra is their handwork, please if you are based in Anambra and your brother or father ever left and was not seen, stay at alert , I will be posting some missing people they kiilled with evidence and how they hijack their properties, people meant to protect us are the one now k1lling us, Comedian Brain jotter’s cousin was missing and was rumoured to be kidnapped , unfortunately she was not kidnapped, na these dare devil people carry her and transferred the 1.2m in her account and strangule her,they also took the girl phone and was chatting her family members pretending to be kidnappers, Anambra people this is the time to stop these criminals, there are lot of evidence to back this up, I have been on their trail for so long, Princess all the properties she acquired with these dirty underground jobs they do, how she secretly got married to her married collegues against her work ethics , how they kill for fun , I have alot of evidence, who they work with, a detailed evidence, but before then I will be posting some missing people that their family is still hoping they are coming home but these dare devil don K1ll them, ANAMBRA GET READY, IT’S ABOUT TO BE A LONG MOVIE……….

“Hello tueh tueh, meet CSP Patrick of Road 25, Ngozika Estate Awka, Anambra. He is the SARS COMMANDER in ANAMBRA,He is behind most of the kidnap cases, extortion and organ harvesting in ANAMBRA.

As I am about to take you through a journey of this ev1l boy attrocities, the only help I need from y’all is to tag NIGERIA POLICE FORCE massively, we do not know his next target in Anamabra

There are people that were arrested and never came back.

They were all killed by CSP Patrick Agbazue and Inspector Harrison Akama who is Patrick hitman now Married to SPO Princess, Which is totally against the ethics of their job, @nigeriapoliceforce should look into it, They all came together to from a deady squad and I will give details of how they operate below

Once Patrick and his team are set you druing their parades , there is a possibility that you are not going home alive, it’s in two categories, it’s either he kills you for having enough money in your account and taking your vehicle and transferring all your money to a certain account or he kills you for not having any money at all, you see those two categories are the categories alot of people fall in, he has one popular habit, he has a room he takes his victims to , torture them and write a note for them ,he will make them confess to a crime they didn’t commit before he and Harrison Akama k1lls and harvest their organ,

All the vehicle CSP Patrick is driving was taken from suspects he arrested and murdered in cold blood

Even the white camry spider he drove to work yesterday is owned by a Yahoo guy he murdered in cold blood,As of yesterday his accounts number, 2282966036, Zenith bank Agbazue Patrick Chukwuemeka has alot of millions in it With choice properties scattered all over Nigeria, a CSP that earns a little above 200k a month has all of this gathered together,New World Mortuary Nteje is where most of the bodies he k1lls are deposited with the help of one Hausa guy named Sanni,He does all the illegalities concerning the morgue for them, they are supposed to deposit dead bodies to a teaching hospital but due to the number of illegal killings on a daily they are using a private morgue.

“If you know these people family tag them here massively, tag NIGERIA POLICE FORCE massively, tag Soludo, ANAMBRA people this must not be swept under the carpet, we don’t know who might be their next victim, more details on this tomorrow but this is just to let you know say na this guy( first slide ) car Patric Carry go work today, Patric has his 3 cars, you want to know what happened to him? Tomorrow we move , tag their families here, both first slide and second slide, SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN, @ccsoludo eyimba , na to open teeth you Sabi , you better take this up, if not , OKAN eh oni bale lashe Edumare , we go dey see tomorrow, bye👋.”

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