February 14, 2025

YOGYAKARTA Childfree is everyone’s preference for their partner. In the last few days, this issue has been widely discussed by the public because the response to the @guitasav account has a blue tick that responds to one Instagram social media upload. Gita Savitri Devi’s influencer account commented in English stating that no child is indeed anti-aging naturally.

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He wrote, Not having kids is intended natural anti-ating. You can sleep 8 hours every day, no stress hearing kids screaming. And when you gotrinkles, you have the money to pay for Botox.

The meaning of this comment, not having children is indeed anti-aging natural. You can sleep eight hours every day, without stress, and if you appear wrinkles have money for Botox. This comment inspires netizens to give back comments. Even netizens give rebuttals with a number of celebrities who have children, but still look fit and young. Who is the figure appointed by netizens to rebuttal to Gita Savitri Dewi’s comments? Here’s the portrait.

Wulan Guritno, this 41-year-old woman looks fit and anti-aging. Not a adherent of childfreeism, this mother of three children is a descendant of Javanese-England who started her career as a sports presenter and soap opera actress. Currently, she mostly lives in Bali and often shares photos of her activities on social media. Starting from sunbathing on the beach, staycation, to playing tennis.

Furthermore, a sexy mother who is anti-aging and called by netizens to refute Gita Savitri’s view is singer Yuni Shara. Rafi Ahmad’s ex-lover is 50 years old but looks like he’s in his 30s.

The mother of singer Eva Celia is more than 50 years old but she regularly does yoga. That’s why, even though she is half a century old but her appearance still looks 25 years old. According to one of the Twitter netizens @Rocky_erakman accounts, Gita Savitri’s words are not 100 percent true because Sophia Latjuba has children and remains young.

One of the netizens also mentioned the name Ussy Sulistiawaty as an anti-ating mother of five children. Not without effort, this wife of Andhika Pratama, regularly exercises whose portraits are often shared through social media.

Many netizens reply to Twitter’s thread about childfree and its relationship with youthfulness. The majority think that being young is because they have money and live a healthy lifestyle, including managing stress. How about you? Besides the four mothers are anti-aging in the portrait above, netizens still provide rebuttal with various arguments. Including mentioning Nikita Willy, Nia Ramadhani, Indah Permata Sari and Sheila Marcia, as women have children and stay young.

I think Gitasav’s choice whether to have children or not is up to him. Just don’t force each other’s choices. But his comments about stunting made me feel even more upset. Regret is also open trending. So I have a bad feeling this morning… :(,” wrote @duniamanji on Twitter on February 8, 2023. You can see in the screenshot of the image Gitasav is annoyed with netizens. “You don’t need to be warned, you don’t have to be blasphemed, guys, he’s the at best, it’s better to just shut up,” said netizens.

Then Gitasav answered this comment by making fun of netizens so that it became the center of Anji’s attention, the former vocalist of the band Drive. “@a** I’ve babbled on, the point you can get is “Gita really feels the most right” right sis? You used to be stunted, so that’s a bit slow,” said @Gitasav. When the post was uploaded by the @duniamanji account, many netizens commented on the nature of Gita Savitri.

Information reads: “”Not having kids is indeed natural aging *FOR ME*. Y̶o̶u̶ I can sleep for 8 hours every day, no stress hearing kids screaming. And when y̶o̶u̶ I finally got wrinkles, y̶o̶u̶ I have the money to pay for botox.”

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