James Charles getting called out on TikTok again for sliding in DMs kicking game to straight guys.
James messages David on Tiktok to “age check him” after the check, they move to Instagram vanish mode.
James Charles is back at flirting and making straight men uncomfortable. The alleged screenshots reveal the “benefits” of being his bf. In one text, James says “it’s a really LUCRATIVE role”. James used Instagram’s vanish mode to attempt to prevent a leak.
David has a text conversation with a friend saying what similar articles about his past with guys are what is happening to him. The friend says “He doesn’t stop”.
James knew he was straight in his vanish video he sent to David. Attempting to make David feel wrong for saying “No to a FaceTime or meeting in person”
James is getting allegedly JEALOUS over the girl that David follows on IG. James mentions his body count and said to David “ I just lost my competition with her lol”.
After David going to TikTok to release the screenshots. James sent a message to him saying “go f**** yourself David”.
Stoughtun revealed to James Charles that he has a girlfriend, Erinaponte.