February 15, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo has said he can’t work with Herry IP again. (Read More Here).

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Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo admitted that he was involved in a dispute with the men’s doubles coach, Herry Iman Pierngadi or Herry IP. The following is an exclusive CNNIndonesia.com interview with Kevin regarding this.

Kevin and Herry IP’s relationship began to heat up since the Indonesia Open 2022. After three months had passed, Kevin admitted that the Indonesia Open 2022 was not the only cause of his problems with Herry IP.

I guess it’s time for me to speak as it is, rather than me being digitized more and more. Actually, at first, it’s a long story. It must have been noisy at first because he badmouthed me at the Indonesia Open. But it’s actually a long story.

From the first time I entered the Cipayung National Training Center, I felt like he was being neglected, belittled, and so on by him. I’ve never been considered.

One of them was during the 2016 race to Olympics, I was not sent to the two European matches and the China Open. I [with Marcus Gideon] finished not far from Angga/Ricky, only 1-2 positions apart, but still in the top 15.

I was not sent because according to him, I was still far from class. That’s the point. He always underestimates us. I’m with Sinyo. Because we are small, we are underestimated.

Kevin S Sukamuljo: “Dari pertama saya masuk Pelatnas Cipayung, saya kayak dianaktirikan, diremehkan terus, dan lain sebagainya oleh dia. Saya kayak tidak pernah dianggap.

Salah satunya saat race to Olympics 2016, saya tidak diberangkatkan ke Eropa dan China Open.”

Kevin S Sukamuljo: “Saya tidak diberangkatkan karena menurut dia, saya masih jauh kelasnya. Intinya begitu. Dia selalu meremehkan kita. Saya sama Sinyo. Karena kita kecil, dipandang sebelah mata

Saat itu saya lebih banyak latihan sama Koh Ar setelah sebelumnya sama Mas Chafidz.”

Kevin S Sukamuljo: “Dia sudah dikasih tahu panjang lebar, Sinyo sudah cerita. Koh Ar sudah cerita dan mendengar dari saya. Tetapi dia WhatsApp saya cuma nanya, ‘Vin kenapa enggak latihan? Aryono bilang marah sama saya?”

Kevin S Sukamuljo: “Tetapi dia tidak merasa ada masalah sama sekali, jadi ya susah kan. Dia selalu bilang saya tidak ada masalah, ya memang dia yang buat masalah.

Dia juga tidak merasa salah sama sekali soal pembicaraan dia. Jadi mau bilang apa. Kita tidak ada ngomong apa-apa.”

Kevin S Sukamuljo: “Maksudnya kalau di luar lapangan, saya sudah tidak masalah walaupun dia tidak minta maaf, saya okelah.

Tetapi kalau suruh kerja sama lagi, kayak saya disuruh jadi anak buahnya lagi, kayaknya tidak bisa. Saya sudah pikir baik-baik, itu sudah keputusan bulat.”

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