February 14, 2025

We’re definitely in the end time and no one can stop it because it has already been written in the Bible. People just have to be careful and give their lives to Jesus Christ. He’s the only true way to ultimate salvation.

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A Kenyan lady, Cecilia Wambui (26-year-old), has confessed to the evil acts she did while growing up. According to her, she says she was brainwashed and imprisoned by a satanic church. 

Cecilia made this huge confession during a live radio show, known as, Radio Maisha Morning Show. While speaking to O.A.P Emmanuel Mwashumbe, she says that poverty made her sleep with snakes and eat human flesh, in order to attract rich men. 

According to her, she says from the age of 17 to 25, she had slept with hundreds of men and had married for 5 times. She also revealed how the pastor of the satanic appeared to her dream and threatened her when she was sick. 

Narrating her story, she said:

“I was 17, and in Form Four when I met a driver who made a pass at me. Coming from a very poor family, I was impressed that he owned a TV, gas cooker and radio. I eloped with him but we broke up within three months. I was pregnant for him but I terminated the pregnancy

I sought to get saved and was introduced to a fake church where I used to sleep with spirits. I could just sit and find myself in mortuaries and burials.

I joined the church in February and didn’t feel the need to sleep with men as spirits would satisfy my needs. It got to a point where I was addicted and wanted to see gory images like dead bodies being washed in the morgue.

They had brainwashed me; the pastor told me to give him all household items as they were bought by ‘sponsors’. They organized marriage with one of the church members saying ‘heaven had decided that I marry him’- we had known each other for three weeks.

Whenever I slept, I dreamed of the pastor telling me to touch his privates, and a black snake would appear. I used to enjoy it and felt it was okay. The snake would appear whenever I closed my eyes; I feared sleeping in matatus (Kenyan commuter omnibuses). I started getting sick but the pastor told me I should not go to the hospital as ‘God would heal me.”

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