February 15, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Jona Mustafaraj is a 22-year-old waitress at “Hooters” who makes almost $4000 a week in tips.

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Slinging chicken is making her some serious bread.

Raking in nearly $4,000 in tips on a given week, one smoking hot Hooters waitress is virally bragging about earning “a lawyer’s hourly wage” as an undergraduate student.

“[Hooters is the] best job to have while in college ever. No one can tell me otherwise,” insisted Jona Mustafaraj, 22, based in Massachusetts, in the caption of her money-centric TikTok clip.

In the video, which was shared in late January and has since stacked more than a staggering 708,000 views, the bosomy blond showcased the cold, hard cash she’d collected from generous Hooters habitués at the end of each night of a seven-day work week.

“[I made] $320 on a slow Monday,” said Mustafaraj, after counting out the palmfuls of $50s, $20s, $10s and singles she accumulated in gratuity while waitressing.

Working behind the bar the next day, a “very, very slow” Tuesday night, earned the server siren an additional $436. She went on to line her piggybank with another $431 while waitressing on Wednesday, $650 during her shift Thursday, $514 on Friday, $820 as a Saturday night bartender. Mustafaraj closed out the week with a $601 pull Sunday.

“That total was $3,772 in one week,” she boasted in the caption of her video.

And her eye-popping earnings sent money-hungry digital audiences drooling.

“[You’re] literally making me wanna work at Hooters,” penned one commenter with a piqued interest.

“Making almost 150,000 a year average … must be nice living on peaceful mode,” wrote an equally-impressed math wiz.

Other viewers threatened to leave their current jobs to serve up chicken and beer alongside Mustafaraj.

Captioning a video that has been viewed more than 700,000 times, the 22-year-old wrote: “Best job to have while in college ever no one can tell me otherwise.”

Thumbing through her dollars, Jona said she started the week with $320 on a ‘slow Monday’, following that up with $436 working behind the bar on a ‘very, very slow Tuesday’.

She pretty much matched this with another $431 while waitressing on Wednesday, before really topping up her income in the second half of the week.

Jona said she made $650 during on her Thursday shift, $514 on Friday, and $820 as a Saturday night bartender.

She then polished off a week of work with $601 on the Sunday, and in her caption, she said that came to a grand total of $3,772 in one week.

There is a lot of fascination online about the controversial chain, what it’s like to work there and how much you can make, with employees often going viral on TikTok when sharing their insights – and income.

Jona decided to get involved, flicking through the wads of cash she earned in a week.

Naturally, the video had people reassessing their careers.

Commenting on the clip, one person wrote: “Literally making me wanna work at hooters.”

Another said: “Meanwhile I make $55 from my 5 hour shift at a grocery store working produce.”

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