January 12, 2025

Fast X Star Refused to Return to franchise if Dwayne Johnson was in it, Went back on his word for $1M paycheck.

It was Tyrese Gibson…His feud with the rock was because Hobbs and Shaw delayed the release of fast 9. 

The Fast and Furious movies have been able to draw big box office numbers over the years thanks to the cool, over-the-top stunts, but also thanks to the draws of major talents from Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel, to the likes of Jason Statham, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson and many more. Of course, we know things are not always copacetic between all of these big names.

“Me and The Rock peaced up,” Gibson said on Stir Crazy with Josh Horowitz. “We talked for like four hours about three weeks ago. Yeah, we talked… It was great. What’s interesting about the Fast & Furious is, it’s not about any of us individually. See, we’re like the U.N. at this point. Everyone gets to go to the theater and say he and she looks like me.”

In fact, some alleged beef between Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel has been well-documented, as have some issue Michelle Rodriguez has made note of in the past that very nearly led her to quit the franchise. When you’re working with “family,” things aren’t always super easy or simple.

We’ve gotten into the nitty gritty behind Tyrese Gibson’s beef with The Rock before, and there’s a lot of history that stands on the permanent record known as the internet. But now, with this big beef apparently squashed, it seems that this history has given us a chance to write an ending to this heated tale. Let’s take another, updated look at the history of the “feud” between Dwayne Johnson and his Fast series co-star, and how it apparently ended.

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