The lioness that escaped in the North West earlier this week has been shot dead.
The provincial environment and conservation department confirmed that the lioness was located and killed earlier on Friday morning. The lion escaped from her container while being transported on the back of a bakkie from Stella to a game farm in Tlakgameng.
Search teams headed back to look for the big cat on Friday morning, however, reports say a local farmer spotted the lioness near his premises and notified the owner of its location.
Before the owner’s arrival, the farmer reportedly chose to shoot the lioness. “In the Beespoort area near Piet Plesis in the Doctor Ruth district, the farmer identified the lion this morning, the department’s Jerry Matebesi said.
He said because the lioness was roaming around near residential areas, the call was made to shoot and kill it. A number of big wild cats have escaped from captivity in the past few months, including a tiger, which was shot dead in Walkerville.