February 13, 2025

NB: I am writing in no other capacity other than that of the father to Yandisa Mahalapye Boko.

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There is a circulating piece published by many online platforms and publications purported to be authored by Dr Kesitegile Gobotswang in which he throws litany of huff and puffs about the Umbrella for Democratic Change and it’s national executive committee. It is not in my nature to respond to a comrade and fellow colleague at the august house over this seemingly unavoidable platform that he has used but if the huff and puffs of Cde Gobotswang are to be left attended, there is an existential threat that they maybe be taken for gospel truth by some. 

In one of his huff and puffs, Dr Gobotswang claims with no iota of shame that the Umbrella for Democratic Change is engulfed with instability. Instability as he posits, that has rocked the UDC is a result of the BCP, which he is a member of and former Vice President to adhere to decisions and resolutions taken by the UDC NEC. The Bophirima bye-election is one of those decisions and it is out there that they connived with the AP to defy the Memorandum of Understanding with respect to bye-elections. Previously, the MOU that was signed at Sekoma after the 2014 elections was mutually respected and followed and it is only now that there are elements of defiance that are meant to serve a narrative and agenda known to them. 

How ironic that the same Dr Gobotswang who has been at the forefront with a croaky voice giving an impression that the UDC NEC is undemocratic suddenly reveals that there is a democratic way of decision making simply based on majority rule. To suit his narrative and further knock for cracks of instability, the tact changes to some consensus card. Where was the consensus all along when they joined the UDC in 2017? Was there a consensus in relation to the BMD expulsion and all other major decisions taken since their admission? Dr Gobotswang, to me appears as a pious platitude agent. 

Surprisingly, when the BCP negotiated with the UDC for its admission, all these fake calls for conflict were never raised. They are raised to suit their narrative and furthermore try to make the UDC ungovernable and unattractive to it’s legion of members and possible voters. Dr Gobotswang ought to be reminded to grow the courage and urge his party to take a decision that is visible to all. That with utmost respect should be his area of concern. Batswana ain’t no fools, they know how their material conditions deserve decent change. The UDC remains the only vehicle to usher in a government of decent jobs and decent lives. The era of politics premised on compositions and essays is over Dr Gobotswang.


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