February 13, 2025

Actor Jefferson Machado found dead inside trunk buried at Rio de Janeiro home. (Read More Here).

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Jefferson Machado (44) – brazylijski aktor, grajÄ…cy w biblijnej telenoweli “Reis”. Mężczyzna byÅ‚ poszukiwany od stycznia, w poniedziaÅ‚ek odnaleziono w Rio de Janeiro jego zwÅ‚oki, ciaÅ‚o byÅ‚o zwiÄ…zane i zakopane pod ziemiÄ… w skrzyni.

A polícia do RJ encontrou o corpo do ator Jefferson Machado da Costa, de 44 anos, desaparecido desde o dia 27 de janeiro.

Os restos mortais da vítima foram encontrados amarrados e concretados em um baú de madeira, em Campo Grande, Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. 

Machado was finally found on Monday (May 22) when cops searched an outhouse at a property in Rio and discovered his body tied up and stuffed inside a wooden trunk buried 6.5ft under the floor of the structure.

News of Jefferson’s death was announced by a friend of his on Instagram, with Cintia Hilsendeger writing: “It is with great sadness we report that Jeff was found on 05/22/2023 lifeless.

Machado’s family learned he had disappeared after a non-governmental agency reached out to them to tell them that his eight dogs had been left abandoned at his home in Rio de Janeiro.

Each of the dogs had their own tracking device – two of them died and six are being treated at a veterinarian center.

His 73-year-old mother, Maria das Dores told Brazilian outlet Notícias do Dia that she last spoke to Machado on January 29 and said he had traveled to São Paulo to interview for a job and staying at a friend’s home.

Actor Jefferson Machado, who went missing nearly four months ago, has been found dead and buried in a wooden trunk underground.

The 44-year-old was a soap actor who starred in Brazilian show Reis, and also worked in production and set design. He was last seen on January 27 and was officially declared missing.

Machado’s mother, Maria das Dores, 73, told local press she had last spoken to him on January 29.

In his last conversation with mother, the actor had told her that he’s staying at a friend’s home while interviewing for a job.

Maria had become worried when she received text messages littered with spelling errors stating that he had dropped his phone in the toilet and was thus unable to video call her.

Machado was finally found on Monday (May 22) when cops searched an outhouse at a property in Rio and discovered his body tied up and stuffed inside a wooden trunk buried 6.5ft under the floor of the structure.

News of Jefferson’s death was announced by a friend of his on Instagram, with Cintia Hilsendeger writing: “It is with great sadness we report that Jeff was found on 05/22/2023 lifeless.

It took nine individuals, including seven Civil Police agents, to remove the trunk from the hole.

A family lawyer told local news outlets that the trunk belonged to Machado and had been previously taken out of his home. 

‘Jefferson was coldly and brutally murdered by envious, evil and, of course, unscrupulous people,’ Cintia Hilsendeger, a friend of the family, wrote on the actor’s Instagram account.

Machado’s last acting job was in the Record TV soap opera ‘Reis,’ in 2022. 

He had not been seen since January 27 and was officially declared missing on February 9.

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