February 13, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Mariana and Amir have claimed they don’t know how the chocolates got into their bag. (Read More Here).

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Mariana, wanita yang mengancam pegawai Alfamart dengan UU ITE buka suara. Mariana mengaku tidak sadar cokelat terbawa ke dalam tasnya. Kok bisa?

“This incident happened two days ago. Now this mother, Mrs. Mariana, went to Alfamart, I bought something. Now, without realizing it, she thought there were a lot of burdens she had to think about, she didn’t realize that the chocolate was in her bag,” said Amir. 

“Unknowingly the chocolate was in my mother’s bag and she didn’t know there was chocolate inside. Now this Alfamart employee also saw it and made a video of him. So from there, I was shocked. This Alfamart officer said, ‘Mother, take the chocolate, oh, here are three,’ ‘Yes.’ So, go to Alfamart,” he continues. 

“Well, my mother paid for it all and the chocolate was not brought home, she only paid a fine of around Rp. 80-100 thousand,” Amir said. 

Taking to social media (official page of Alfamart), Corporate Affairs Director Ot, Solihin, said that the brand has contacted barrister Hotman Paris to defend the employee at the court of law. 

It was reported that a young man had stolen some expensive chocolates from the store and was confronted by the female staff. The mother of the young guy got angry to threatened to sue the female employee. 

The whole situation caused stirs on social media in Indonesia. 

Alfamart wrote: “Menanggapi terkait peristiwa pencurian yang terjadi di Toko Alfamart Sampora, Tangerang, pada hari Sabtu 13 Agustus 2022, manajemen Alfamart menyatakan dan menegaskan kembali, bahwa perusahaan sepenuhnya mendukung karyawan, yang berdasarkan investigasi awal, menjalankan tugasnya sesuai prosedur.

“Kami menolak tindakan intimidasi yang dilakukan terhadap karyawan yang telah berupaya menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik.

“ALFAMART telah menunjuk kantor hukum HOTMAN PARIS HUTAPEA sebagai kuasa hukum kami.

“Kami berharap kasus ini dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi semua pihak, agar menghormati hak setiap warga negara di mata hukum.”

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