BREAKING: Hardcore anti-gay MAGA mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson is hilariously trolled by an opponent after sending out a misspelled link to her right-wing voter guide — with a photo of her own husband.
This is just too funny. It all started when Hanson’s campaign for mayor of Franklin, Tennessee blasted out a tex message that misspelt her website as “”
Someone who opposes Hanson quickly purchased the incorrect domain name and uploaded a photo of Hanson’s husband prancing about in skimpy underwear Speedo at a Pride event — proving that her anti-gay posturing is just a cynical attempt to pander to Republicans.
While there is of course nothing wrong with attending a Pride event, there is a deep hypocrisy involved here because Hanson originally rose to political prominence by hatefully opposing a Pride event in Franklin.
Hanson hates the LGBTQ community but apparently her husband never got the memo.
As a side note, it should be mentioned that the deeply vile Hanson has also promised that she will not “discriminate” against white nationalists, because apparently she wants their votes too.
There is no place for a woman like this in our politics.