October 28, 2024

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that $500,000 bounty placed on man, Víctor José Carrera Mayor, who raped Liliana Guadalupe Lupita as he cut her throat while selling regional sweets in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

According to information, Víctor José Carrera Mayor, sexually abused 12-year-old girl, Liliana Guadalupe, as he murdered her and buried her dead body at his backyard.

The Network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Chiapas (Redias) reported that there was an “omission” by the authorities in the search and location of the girl Liliana Guadalupe, 12 years old, who was found dead on Wednesday in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, after four days of being missing. READ MORE HERE

In a statement, the agency demanded “a prompt and impartial investigation and punishment for those responsible” for the crime against the minor who disappeared on October 19 while selling traditional sweets on the streets of the Colón neighborhood in the state capital.
She pointed out that “the context of increasing violence in the state impacts girls and adolescent women in the state in a differentiated way. With the femicide of Liliana, there are five girls and adolescents who have been fatal victims of femicide violence in Chiapas this year in the municipalities of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Berriozábal, Tapachula, Simojovel and Huehuetán.”

She said that “it is girls and adolescent women who are at greatest risk of disappearance in the state; of the 2,665 girls, boys and adolescents reported missing in the 2019-2024 six-year period, 73 percent are adolescent women between 12 and 15 years old. Tuxtla Gutiérrez has the highest number of disappearances of minors in the state, with 100 so far this year, 64 of them against girls and adolescent women.”

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