Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Kenyan influencer, Eric Amerix, has listed three red flags men should look out for in a new woman. (Read More Here).
Taking to his Twitter page as usual, Eric Amerix, told men three things that should make them run away from a woman.
Firstly, Eric, says that if a woman or lady should place her phone facing the screen down on a table during a date, men should avoid such lady.
Secondly, Eric, says that if a woman puts her phone on flight or silent mode during a date, men should run away from such woman or women.
Lastly, he says that if a woman begins to narrate how badly her ex-boyfriend had treated her, it’s another red flag and men should run away from such women.
He wrote:
Red flags during the first date:
-Placing the phone on the table upside down, Screen facing down.
– Usually on silent mode or flight mode.
Don’t commit to such a woman.
Red flags on the first date:
When she start demeaning her ex-boyfriend,
” My ex-boyfriend abused me.”
“My ex-boyfriend was a tyrant.”
All those sob stories are smokescreens meant to distract you.
Run. Never look back.