A little girl overseas apparently has hair that cannot be properly tamed. According to Daily Mail, she’s one of 100 people in the entire world with this type of condition, known as ‘uncombable hair syndrome.’
The site says Layla Davis (@laylas_locks), 17 months, from Great Blakenham in Suffolk, has blonde streaks that just won’t comb straight…
The child’s mother Charlotte Davis, 28, says her daughter was officially diagnosed after she fought with her husband Kevin, 35, to look into it.
It is a condition that is characterized by dry, frizzy hair that cannot be combed flat.
‘UHS develops in childhood, often between infancy and age three but can appear as late as twelve.
Children who develop it tend to have light-coloured hair – and there are only around 100 cases in the world.’
What’s interesting about this is that the condition gets better over time, around adolescence.