October 23, 2024

Ankara’da boşandığı eşi Pelin Ceylan’ı 4 el ateş ederek karnından, sırtından ve göğsünden vuran cani, yardım etmeye çalışan vatandaşlara küfürler edip tehditler savurdu.

Cani, gözaltına alınırken, hastaneye kaldırılan Pelin Ceylan’ın hayati tehlikesinin bulunduğu belirtildi.

Last minute: In Ankara, Mehmet Eroğlu shot his divorced wife Pelin Ceylan 4 times in the middle of the road with a gun. Ceylan’s neighbors, who heard the gunshots, informed the 112 health and police teams.

Eroğlu, who threatened the citizens who wanted to interfere with Ceylan, who was lying in the middle of the road, started to run away from the scene after a while. Eroğlu, who tried to get away by shooting in the air, was caught by the police teams in a short time and taken into custody.

Ceylan, who was injured in the abdomen, back and chest, was taken to the hospital by 112 medical teams. While it was learned that Ceylan had 2 daughters and a son, it was learned that he had previously been threatened by his divorced wife Eroğlu and punched the door of his house.”WHAT WILL I SAY TO YOUR CHILDREN”

Speaking about the incident, Ayrancı neighborhood headman, Elif Doğan, said, “It has been a year since he got divorced. He has two daughters and a son. I informed his daughter. His youngest child goes to secondary school. He lived here with his little daughter.

I don’t know what to say to that boy. I’m going to pick it up from school soon. They moved here during the pandemic. We tried to help as much as we could, but unfortunately we couldn’t protect it.


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