September 30, 2024


Chilufya Tayali has written the following article revealing problems in his marriage with his wife from Ethiopia who has since left the country:



God knows how I love family, I love children and I have loved my wives (including my Ex-wife, I have been married twice of course), but I have failed to be a man like Tivo Shikapwasha Shikapwasha 

Young man, don’t kid yourself, it’s not easy to keep a family like this one, such men, like Tivo, need to be saluted. 

I have no idea how they live, exactly, and what is between them as a couple, but just from what I see, I know it is not easy to raise a family like this and gather them for a picture. From my experience, it’s not a joke.

Look at me, as family man that I am, I can’t even take a picture with atleast Kiya who is dying to be with Daddy right now. I miss her saying;

“Dadi, let’s koloka”, meaning let’s go in the Car. 

The poor girl has to be with the mother far away in Ethiopia, without even understanding why she left a place she knows as her home. She is a queen around here (at home), but she has to adapt to another environment. 😰😰😰

Soon after my first divorce, I used to move with my two girls, when they were young. We traversed this Country on holidays, but now, they are big girls and being with their mother is more preferred, so Christmas I have to be alone watching their big beds and a few unusable clothes in their bedrooms.

I dreamt of a sizeable family of at least 4 children, like what Tivo and Salma Sky have, but now, I #MAY have to consider a third woman to make it to that number, however, I will never gather them together like in these pictures.

Of course some people may judge me, that I don’t look after my women well, and that is a prejudice I have suffered, for a long time. Each time I say, I am divorced, they ask you, “What did do to her?”. 

However, it takes two to tangle, even when it comes to cheating, there’s something the other partner can take responsibility for, but when it happens, the other one is usually so self-righteous that he/she goes everywhere and about exposing the wretched sinner, instead of trying to sort the issue together.

If we have self-righteous families and friends they also come in and encourage families to split, shuttering their dreams of having such family pictures at Christmas and other eventful days.

I don’t know Salma personally, but she must be commended, for her to bore these children, because now-a-days, women want to slay in their careers or whatever they do, than bear four children (if that’s the case here).

Many women don’t want to be mothers, they hate pregnancies, Labour and looking after babies. Of course it is not easy but how else can we have children and raise them. All we can do as men is to be supportive and I am glad I have been there for all my children.

Anyway, I got touched looking at these pictures, while I am all alone here, so, I thought of writing because it is therapeutic and also, to encourage other couples to stick together no matter the challenges. 

We vow for better for worse, so how come we start choosing what we can take and what we can’t.

Stop giving those excuses of children will never be happy growing in a home where parents are fighting and blah, blah, blah…. I will tell you about that another day. 

At times you say, “What if I die?”, now you want to be gods to predict your death and avoid it?

For now, Merry Christmas to The Shikapwashas and all those fighting to keep their families together. 

I sincerely apologise for using Salma and Tivo to express this, but it’s out of admiration and appreciation. Keep it together ❤️ 



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